January, the month when March for Life comes to life around the country. When people of all backgrounds, religions, sexes, and races join in unity for their belief that life begins at conception.

One local organization, which works with Mothers-to-be, newborns, toddlers and their families to assist with the necessities of everyday life is Waverly Avenue Respect Life. “WARL” is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) charity based out of Patchogue that began in April 2021 and incorporated in January 2022.

The founders of this local organization are Bob and Diane Williams. Bob is a former volunteer firefighter with the Smithtown Fire Department, as well as 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army. Their caring ways have helped many in our local communities by providing baby items and limited financial support to mothers in need through Pregnancy Resource Centers such as Pathway Pregnancy Services and Mercy Center Ministries, local Outreach Pantries, or directly to the families. 

This in addition to offering support to aid in finding shelter for pregnant mothers in need, and assisting those who supply services to those who suffer from Post Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS) as well as supporting Christian adoptions to aid in helping to find homes for babies on a temporary or permanent basis.

WARL, along with volunteers, speak at local churches, religious and civic organizations to spread the word as to how they can help those who need it most, and those who are scared and think there is only one option.

The organization gathers in public areas outside of Planned Parenthood Centers to act out their Christian Faith by engaging visibly, prayerfully, peacefully and personally with pregnant women who come to them in crisis. They offer literature about life-affirming services to those passing by who may have questions about their Pro-Life stance. This service helps them know they have choices, they are not alone, and that there are many people available to help them.

“I began sidewalk witnessing a year and a half ago after a member of WARL spoke at my parish, explaining what they do to preserve life. I thought to myself, if I really believed in the sanctity of life, I ought to be able to make a commitment of one hour each week. My experience was so powerful. I feel like my actions can have a direct, positive impact on them, whether it be prayers, medical referrals, supplies, or answering questions of people with whom we come in contact,” states volunteer Fran Goodman.

She went on to say, “my experiences with passersby during witnessing have made me realize that too many people are uninformed about all of the free help available to women and their babies. We need to ensure that pregnant girls and women can make informed choices. It is extremely satisfying and hopeful to see their change in attitude once they realize we are simply trying to help, not argue.”

“Helping to raise awareness and supporting pregnancy is just the right thing to do. We are all made in the image of God and as a society, we should act accordingly,” said Steve Browne, a volunteer.

“It’s not about laws, it’s about faith,” commented Bob Williams, founder of WARL.

To learn more, get involved or donate visit: www.waverlyavenuerespectlife.org or email [email protected]

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