On Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that she will not seek re-election and will be stepping down.
“With great confidence in our caucus, I will not seek re-election to Democratic leadership in the next Congress,” said Pelosi. “For me, the hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect, and I’m grateful that so many are ready and willing to shoulder this awesome responsibility.”
“There is no greater special honor for me than to stand on this floor and to speak for the people of San Francisco. This I will continue to do as a member of the House speaking for the people of San Francisco, serving the great state of California and defending our Constitution,” she continued.
This announcement comes about after her husband, Paul, plead guilty to a DUI in August and was attacked in a home invasion.
Pelosi, 82, has led House Democrats for nearly 20 years and served two 4-year terms as speaker. She led Congress in enacting Dodd-Frank reforms— she also worked alongside Michelle Bond, the ex-congressional candidate in the First District.
Pelosi led Democrats to power after losing 63 seats and essentially handing over the House to Republicans in 2018. In her second term, Pelosi regurgitated her distaste for former President Donald Trump and his efforts to build the wall along the U.S-Mexico border. House Democrats also expressed opposition to Trump’s policies, which resulted in two failed impeachment efforts.
As people clapped at the end of Trump’s State of the Union Speech in 2020, Pelosi notoriously tore up her copy of his speech— her actions sparked controversy on both sides of the political spectrum.
When Fox News asked why she did it, she replied: “Because it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternatives.” She continued: “I tore it up. I was trying to find one page with truth on it. I couldn’t.”
Republicans have been celebrating Pelosi’s decision to step down on Twitter.
“The Pelosi era is over. Good riddance!” Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO).
“Nancy Pelosi is shown bi-partisan respect and media fawning despite her wretched reign over the House. She was no uniter. She never demonstrated respect for our system. She always had a nasty comment. So, the rewriting of her true legacy begins already. A sham,” Mark Levin, the conservative radio host of “Life, Liberty, and Levin” on Fox News tweeted.
Who will become the next Speaker of the House for the 112th Congress?
This past election, Republicans took back the House by attaining 218 seats and going through with their red wave.
Since their win, they have been discussing who will be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), won the party’s nomination.
The determining vote will take place in January.