Marissol Mallon – Connetquot School Board

Residence: Bohemia
Occupation: Chemist
First Elected: 2021
Current Seat on Board: President

Marissol Mallon was first elected to the Connetquot CSD Board in 2021. She has since become the president of the five-member board. Marissol Mallon sat down with The Messenger for the purpose of this candidate spotlight.
Editor’s Note: The position of President itself is not on the ballot. Only numerical seats are up for election. The President and Vice President of the board are selected by the board members once the members are seated at the beginning of the term following the election.

Q: What is your professional background and how does it equip you for a position on the School Board?
As a chemist, I have a scientific, numerical, and technical background with practical problem-solving skills.
I am thorough, pay attention to detail, and ask questions as needed to get a better understanding of the topic being discussed.

Q: In your opinion, what is the top issue facing the Connetquot Central School District today?
The biggest issue facing Connetquot, in my opinion, is the division, or lack of unity that is present in the community. This issue can present itself in many ways and in all of the school buildings throughout the District. I would like to foster change and encourage unity by bringing in motivational speakers and promoting workshops that further bring positivity and togetherness.

Q: What is your top priority if re-elected to the Board?
If re-elected, I would like to see more collaboration amongst the trustees. Perhaps a Board of Education retreat or personalized workshop(s) to encourage a more cohesive working relationship. Ghandi said “Be the change you want to see in the world.” These are words to live by! I would like to see the community come together…and as a school board we serve the community…being a united front and promoting a positive work environment is essential.

Q: What would you say is your best or proudest accomplishment in your professional career?
As a female professional in the science field, being promoted multiple times and having the opportunity to interact with the various departments, providing input when needed, has been an extremely rewarding experience. My current position has me doing a lot more public speaking, which has been a challenge for me over the years. I’m happy to say that having the opportunity to speak with residents in different towns has allowed me to confront and conquer my fears.

Q: What is your favorite quote, motto, or work ethic?
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind”. Something as simple as a smile, hug, or laugh can make all the difference in someone’s day. I think the world can use more kindness and acceptance.

Q: What are your favorite ways of connecting with your community?
I really enjoy being in the moment with the community. Participating in the various district events allows me to connect with people and feel that sense of community that is so important to me. Asking about a favorite can be limiting and I truly don’t have one favorite. I love watching the sporting events, listening to the various concerts, watching the plays, participating in the OBMS Career Day, recognizing students, teachers, and staff at Board meetings. There are so many ways I get to connect, and I appreciate every one of them. We have so much amazing talent at Connetquot and being able to witness and experience it all is incredibly fulfilling.

The Messenger thanks Marissol Mallon for taking time for this interview for the purpose of this candidate spotlight.

Melissa Torregrossa – Connetquot School Board

Residence: Bohemia
Occupation: Community Liaison
Previous Elected Office: None

Melissa Torregrossa is running for one of the open seats on the Connetquot CSD School Board. Melissa Torregrossa sat down with The Messenger for the purpose of this candidate spotlight.

Q: What is your professional background and how does it equip you for a position on the School Board?
Currently, I serve as a Community Liaison for a rapidly growing multi-state mental health organization. In this role, I actively engage in fostering collaborations with various community organizations and advocate for implementing solutions to meet community mental health needs. Complementing this experience is my academic background, which includes a Master of Social Work degree from Stony Brook University and certification as a Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor from New York State OASAS.
These experiences have refined my skills in strategic problem-solving, effective leadership and communication, and understanding of the unique needs of diverse communities. I believe that this blend of practical experience and academic knowledge provides me with the necessary tools to contribute meaningfully to board communications, decision-making processes, and the overarching mission of fostering educational excellence while prioritizing fiscal responsibility.

Q: In your opinion, what is the top issue facing the Smithtown Central School District today?
I believe that effectively managing budget constraints stemming from aid reductions and lower enrollment is one of the most critical issues facing our district. To effectively address these challenges, it’s essential to focus on proactive strategies that navigate new budgetary limitations while maintaining the quality of education we provide, rather than resorting to reactionary measures when difficulties arise. I acknowledge that our district may encounter difficulties in having these essential conversations about optimizing resource allocation due to significant division within our community and ineffective communication within our board. Decisions made by our board should be devoid of political agendas or personal biases, focusing solely on what benefits our students and their educational journey while remaining fiscally responsible.

Q: What is your top priority if elected to the Board?
If elected, my top priority would be to focus on improving academic outcomes across all levels of education within our district. This would involve implementing evidence-based strategies, fostering collaboration among educators, and utilizing resources effectively to provide every student with a high-quality education tailored to their individual needs and aspirations.
I would love to position Connetquot as a model district recognized for its unique strengths and innovative approaches to student success. Instead of comparing ourselves to other districts, I believe in highlighting our own strengths and achievements. This will help us attract talented educators, foster student success, and increase community support and trust in our district, ultimately enhancing our reputation and impact with our stakeholders.

Q: What would you say is your best or proudest accomplishment in your professional career?
One accomplishment I am most proud of is being honored with the MSW Student of the Year award by the National Association of Social Workers New York State Chapter. This award is significant not only for its recognition of exceptional academic achievement but also for its acknowledgment of a deep understanding of social work values and ethics. It represents a track record of making impactful contributions to the community, driven by qualities such as empathy, advocacy, resilience, and innovation.

Q: What is your favorite quote, motto, or work ethic?
One of my favorite quotes is from Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. To me, it highlights the importance of authentic connection, empathy, sincerity, and the impact of even the simplest interpersonal interactions.

Q: What are your favorite ways of connecting with your community?
Outside of my professional engagements, I enjoy volunteering my time and skills to support local initiatives, attending and participating in community events, and contributing to projects that promote mental health awareness and overall well-being within the community. Personally, a significant source of motivation in my life is my family, especially my niece. Her joy, energy, and curiosity inspire me daily to actively contribute towards building a brighter world that she and our future generations can thrive in.

The Messenger thanks Melissa Torregrossa for taking time for this interview for the purpose of this candidate spotlight.

About the Connetquot Central School District

The transparency report ranks students’ proficiency in subjects on four levels, with the highest being Level Four (Advanced Proficient) and the lowest being Level 1 (Not Proficient). In order to qualify in the overall statistic, students must earn a proficiency score of at least, “Proficient.” The 2023 report found that only 44% of Grade 8 Math students, 71% of Grade 7 Math students, 58% of Grade 8 Science students, and 46% of Grade 6 English-Language Arts (ELA) students were “proficient,” among other subjects. The 71% proficiency rate in Grade 7 Math was the highest rate provided.

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Matt Meduri
Matt Meduri has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Messenger Papers since August 2023. He is the author of the America the Beautiful, Civics 101, and This Week Today columns. Matt graduated from St. Joseph's University, Patchogue, in 2022, with a degree in Human Resources and worked for his family's IT business for three years. He's also a musician and composer with his sights set on the film industry. Matt has traveled all around the U.S. and enjoys cooking, photography, and a good cup of coffee.