By John Rose

Ever wonder about the oil that gets pumped into your tank at home?

Here are some need-to-know facts.

It’s called No. 2 Fuel Oil. Compared to all other heating sources, home heating oil burns the hottest and will heat your home faster than any other fuel type. As compared to years past, today’s heating oil is 90 – 95% cleaner than it was in the 1970s. This causes less of that dreaded sludge that clogs your burner up when you happen to run short on oil. In addition, its sulfur content has been reduced by 93% since the late 80s. A gallon of heating oil produces 35% more heat than a gallon of natural gas. Though natural gas is slightly cheaper than oil, oil goes much further for the money.

Shopping for oil can be tricky. There are cash on delivery (C.O.D) websites that compare local oil companies prices. They are best used to get an idea of the average cost of oil for that day as the oil prices do fluctuate dramatically from day to day. Once you have an idea of what prices are for that day, it’s best to shop for a local neighborhood oil company you can get on the phone with, talk to, and establish a relationship with to ensure you are never taken advantage of. Even local companies will have a price spread between them as they try to compete in the market and the consumer benefits from that competition.

A local company can be more competitive, especially a COD dealer, because there are no contracts involved. If you sign with a larger company and include a service contract, you could be paying in excess of a dollar more per gallon to cover their contractual obligations to you. You are better off with a COD delivery and finding an independent burner company to service your burner as, in the end, that will come out cheaper. Just remember to service your oil burner at least once a year and you won’t need the expensive contract. Stay away from the big conglomerate oil companies, as they do you no favors on pricing.

A simple tip for if and when that emergency happens where you run out of oil in the dead of winter and you can’t get oil delivered fast enough: get a five-gallon container, go to your local gas station, and fill it with diesel fuel, like you would use in trucks. Diesel and No. 2 home heating oil are the same thing. Put the diesel fuel in your oil tank and fire up your burner, so you, your family, and your pipes stay warm until the delivery truck gets to you.

Home heating oil is safe, clean, and efficient and is still by far the best way to heat your home.

Like many services you need to keep your home running smoothly, find yourself a local company you can trust and rely on.

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