How is Your Open Book Test Going?

I remember well the relief of walking into the classroom and seeing that friendly smirk on the professor’s face. Some of us studied intently all night, others didn’t study at all, but the ground was made completely level once we read those beautiful, comforting words, “Open Book Test,” written neatly on the chalk board.

For one reason or another, the professor chose to make this test an open book test. The answers were all available to each one of us and in a book placed directly in front of us. We just had a fair, yet also limited, amount of time to search them out. If we were willing to do so with some diligence, we could all pass the test.

I’ve had several different views of the Bible over the years. Initially, it was this huge and unconquerable book that collected dust on family members’ shelves. Next, it was sort of convenient to be used as a “lucky charm.” If I placed it under my bed or in the back seat of my car, it may hopefully keep any harm, accidents, or night terrors from happening. After that, it became a very holy, scary and judgmental book which I dare not open because of the way I was choosing to live my life.

If I did, lightning may come down and strike me.

After the tragic passing of my middle brother to a heroin overdose back in 2009, I was in a very bad place mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I finally came to that blessed end of myself, my own answers, and manipulation. I needed help for my crushed heart and, thankfully, I finally knew it. I was so crushed; I was willing to try church and even open that scary book full of “thee’s” and “thou’s.” If lightning did happen to come down to punish me for opening it, I really didn’t care at this point in my life.

The pages of that blessed book began to wash over my heart like a cool rain on the most humid summer day. Day by day of searching the pages of the New Testament, I began to find answers in the heart, life, words, and actions of Jesus. How I was feeling after the tragedy I had experienced was already written within its pages. Jesus fully knew me, understood where I was, and was gentle with my contrite heart. He offered mercy and grace, more than I ever had imagined. I found redemption and healing, a new heart, and a clean slate, all within the pages of the book I had been avoiding my entire life.

Nearly fifteen years later, all of the answers are still there to be sought out. The way God views people, nations, human relations, money, marriage advice, sex, government, and even food. The way He desires us to treat neighbors, enemies, employees, people of other cultures and contrary religious beliefs. Most importantly, His plan of love and redemption for a sinful and fallen human race. It’s all within the pages of the Bible.

Some have called it God’s love letter to humanity (His creation) and others have called it Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE). I would personally say that we each walked into the classroom of life with an extremely gracious and helpful professor. He’s sitting there with a Fatherly smirk on His face because all of the answers we each need are in the book He wrote and left open. Our only job is to diligently search out the answers during this test of life we are individually taking. The only difference with this test is that we never know when it may end, each student seems to suddenly leave the classroom at a time unbeknownst to us.

So, how is your open book test going?

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