By Long Island Life and Politics

We all know that Kamala Harris (D-CA) is going to try to give voters the impression that she’s tough on violent crime. But that’s pretty tough to do when, as vice president, she supported the “defund the police” efforts and went so far as to raise money to bail out violent rioters.

We know that Harris will try in a self-serving way to change the narrative. What we shouldn’t tolerate is when the biased media covers for her, as in a recent Newsday article entitled “Experts say Kamala Harris’ law enforcement background might help her at the ballot box.”

“Vice president Kamala Harris’ decades of experience as a prosecutor might help her carry Long Island in the 2024 presidential election…”

Nowhere in the article is any mention made of Harris’ support for the proposition on the California ballot years ago that basically legalized shoplifting up to $1,000 and started a rash of store robberies around the nation in the years that followed.

Her support for defunding the police led to a one-third rise in violent crime throughout the nation. Her refusal to enforce the border has brought in gang members, terrorist cells and unprecedented levels of fentanyl that are killing 100,000 Americans every year.

None of this was mentioned in this liberally biased article that was a puff piece for Harris.

For more from Long Island Life and Politics, visit their website at, which includes local Long Island news coverage and editorials from former Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy (R-Bayport).

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