In the previous election cycle, The Messenger assessed all options available for the First Congressional District and wagered on the political acumen of Republican Nick LaLota. His plethora of experience and ties to the district, educational background and willingness to speak up for the issues that matter compelled the editorial board to endorse him without reservation.

Accordingly, the editorial board is happy to report that in Congress, LaLota is navigating the woes of political polarization and divided government to keep the concerns of Suffolk County at the national forefront along with colleague and fellow Messenger endorsee, Congressman Andrew Garbarino of the Second District.

LaLota has been part of common-sense coalitions to safeguard American natural resources from foreign influence and potential endangerment. Joining a 331 majority, LaLota prevented the sale of America’s oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to our strategic adversaries – namely, China. Likewise, he heard the concerns of the local fishing industry and helped pass a unanimous resolution banning petroleum and natural gas drilling off Long Island’s coastal waters.

Again, listening to the concerns of local leaders and constituents alike, LaLota is committed to restoring the SALT deduction with his Long Island colleagues in the House – a step that will hopefully provide tax relief to millions of New Yorkers.

Additionally, LaLota’s conversations with the president make him confident that infrastructure legislation will positively impact Long Islanders who regularly pay more than they receive from the federal government.

Far from those who sought to paint every Republican in one broad, dismissive brush stroke, LaLota exemplifies what it means to be a principled conservative with a pragmatic knack for getting things done for his district. In the coming months ahead, The Messenger will keep a close eye on our endorsed slate of candidates, ensuring they keep up on their promises.

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The Editorial Board
The Messenger Papers Editorial Board aspires to represent a fair cross section of our Suffolk County readers. We work to present a moderate view on issues facing Long Island families and businesses.