Governor Kathy Hochul tells Republican Leaders to “Head Down to Florida”

Gov. Hochul expresses her distaste for Lee Zeldin and other Republican candidates, her opposing candidate in the race to be the next New York Governor. (Credit: Left: Bebeto Matthews/AP /Right: Erik Pendzich/Shutterstock

New York Governor Kathy Hochul conveyed her intolerance for New York Conservatives by telling them to leave New York and head down to Florida last week.

“We’re here to say that the era of Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro – just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong. Get out of town,” Hochul said. 

Governor Hochul’s statements sparked political outrage among conservatives in the state.

“It is inappropriate for the Governor of our state to tell those who disagree with her that they are not welcome,” Senator Mario R. Mattera told The Messenger exclusively. “What she is telling the millions that support Lee Zeldin is that they should leave their home state because they don’t concur with her politically.”

“Her predecessor acted the same way and our state should be more welcoming to those with differing opinions,” Senator Mattera added. 

Hochul’s verbal detestment and political partisanship are a concern to the 5.4 million Republican tax-paying citizens living in New York state. This news sparked outrage all over the nation, but primarily, the state Hochul wanted to send New York conservatives to. 

“You have the governor of New York saying all Republicans need to get on a bus and leave the state and come to Florida,” said Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at a press conference that wasn’t directly related to Hochul’s statement. “Who would say something so ridiculous? To say if you don’t agree with me then you don’t even have a right to be here.”

In an interview with ABC 13 WHAM on Friday, Hochul defended her statements from last week. 

“I referred to three individuals, Donald Trump, Executive Molinaro and Lee Zeldin. I spoke about three people whose views we believe are extreme,” Hochul said. “I was very specific to who I was speaking about and any efforts for people to expand that to more is being fundamentally dishonest.”

The alliance between Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro and Gubernatorial Candidate Lee Zeldin was seen in a tweet sent out by Zeldin on Monday night. 

“Wow @KathyHochul. You’re losing your marbles, lady. Won’t take you up on your psycho demand to leave New York, but what I will do is get in my car right now, drive to NY-19, & do everything in my power to make sure @marcmolinaro wins tomorrow’s Special Election,” Zeldin tweeted. 

“Governor Hochul – the Governor of the entire State of New York – at a rally with my opponent nodding along sounded exactly like Andrew Cuomo,” Molinaro said in a statement. “Disagree with their policies, disagree with them and you have no place here. This is yet another example of how arrogant Kathy Hochul, Pat Ryan and liberals have become. Let me be very clear: Everyone who lives here regardless of your party or beliefs is a New Yorker.”

Hochul’s distaste made its way to NY’s First Congressional District. 

“The Governor of New York should be the Governor of ALL New Yorkers, not just her supporters,” Peter Ganley, running for Assembly in NY-01, told The Messenger exclusively. “With rising crime, the highest taxes in America and rampant corruption, we need a Governor who is willing to save our state, not tell those who don’t like it to get out.”

Hochul’s anti-conservative sentiments are similar to those of former Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY), who in 2014 told conservatives and Republicans they have “no place” in New York state. 

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