Assemblyman Smith to His Constituents: ‘‘Vote Garbarino’

I hope that you are well and staying cool this summer. As a fellow Republican, I wanted to take a moment to personally write to you regarding the critical August 23 Republican Primary Election for Congress and ask you to join me in voting for Congressman Andrew Garbarino.

Over the last several years, it has been my honor to represent your family in Albany. I served alongside Andrew Garbarino and saw firsthand his dedication to representing our communities. 

In the State Assembly, he was on the frontlines fighting against the deeply flawed “bail reform” laws that have released dangerous criminals back on the streets. As Congressman, he continues to Back the Blue and support our law enforcement officers. He has also been a

leading voice for real border security.

Andrew Garbarino has proven himself to be a leader who can get things done and stand up to the failed Biden agenda. As you are reading this letter, the Long Island Expressway is being paved thanks to Andrew Garbarino’s leadership and ability to deliver for our community.

Unfortunately, lies are being sent into our district. Andrew voted NO on Biden’s “Build Back Better” scheme and voted NO on the “Inflation Reduction” Act, both plans which do nothing

more than spend money that we don’t have right now. He also voted NO on the impeachment of President Trump.

For these reasons, Lee Zeldin and I need Andrew Garbarino as our partner in Congress.

Nancy Pelosi is trying to take our district: Congressman Andrew Garbarino is the endorsed Conservative Party candidate, if his opponent wins this election, that will split the Republican vote in November and deliver this district to the Democrat, which could keep Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.

A vote for Andrew Garbarino on Tuesday, August 23 is a vote to Fire Nancy Pelosi!

For all those reasons, I am voting for someone I respect and someone I know will continue to fight for your family and mine. I hope that you will join me in voting for Andrew Garbarino for Congress on August 23 in the Republican Primary Election.

Doug Smith


Legislator Piccirillo: ‘Vote LaLota’

This is Suffolk County Legislator Anthony A. Piccirillo, writing to you about the all-important Republican Primary on Tuesday August 23. I humbly ask for your vote for my friend and colleague Nick Lalota who is running for Congress in the first Congressional District. Nick is running to replace Lee Zeldin and is the only candidate endorsed by the Republican and Conservative Parties in Suffolk County and more than 45 local elected officials.

Nick Lalota is a Naval Academy Graduate and lifelong Republican. He is the only candidate in this race that has never been registered as a Democrat! Nick is a lifelong Long Islander who married his high school sweetheart and is raising three beautiful daughters here; he knows the

struggles average Long Islanders face every day, and I believe he is the right person to fight for us in Congress. That is why I am writing you to ask you to vote for my good friend, Nick

LaLota on Tuesday August 23 in the Republican Primary.

Nick LaLota has served our great nation for eleven years in the United States Navy and was deployed overseas three times to defend our freedoms abroad. Nick LaLota is a patriot in every sense of the word. Like myself, Nick Lalota is a fiscal conservative and has worked to reduce the size and bloat in government as a Village Trustee. I am confident that he will do the same in Washington D.C. We need a fiscal conservative in Congress to fight against forty-year high inflation, soaring interest rates, and high gas prices. Nick LaLota’s agenda will help to fully fund our police to keep our neighborhoods safe and enhance our quality of life. Nick LaLota is a family man, a Veteran and a true public servant who will fight for you and your family in Congress. On August 23, I humbly ask for your consideration for Nick Lalota for Congress.

If you plan on going to the polls to vote; I challenge you to set an alarm on your phone to remind you to vote on Tuesday August 23. I have also included a palm card in this envelope to find out more information about Nick LaLota.

You may also visit his website or social media platforms @NickLaLota. If you have any questions, need a ride to the polls or need help making a plan to vote. Please feel free to contact me at any time by email at [email protected].

I appreciate your support and commitment to this all important election.

Thanks for your commitment.

Anthony A. Piccirillo


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