On February 17, a week before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Brittney Griner was attempting to come home from Russia where she plays during the offseason of the WNBA. Authorities claimed she was smuggling significant amounts of cannabis oil in her luggage, and she was subsequently detained at the Moscow airport. With the arrest, she faced a possible 10- year prison sentence.

Following an appearance in court near Moscow on Friday, Griner wrote a letter to President Joe Biden. “I sit here in a Russian prison, alone with my thoughts and without the protection of my wife, family, friends, Olympic jersey, or any accomplishments, I’m terrified I might be here forever,” Griner wrote.

The fear is that Griner is being held as a pawn on wrongful accusations in the rising political tensions between Russia and the U.S.

Verging on five months of detainment, Griner pleaded with Biden in the letter that reached the president on Monday. “On the 4th of July, our family normally honors the service of those who fought for our freedom, including my father who is a Vietnam Veteran,” Griner wrote. “It hurts thinking about how I usually celebrate this day because freedom means something completely different to me this year.”

Griner is understandably frustrated. Sitting there for the 5 months’ time and no progress being made toward freeing her, all the government has done is reassure the country that they believe she’s being wrongfully accused.

So what happens first? The gas prices come down, or Griner comes back to the U.S.? Insert the sweating man trying to figure out which button to push here.

Biden did read the letter, and though it’s been a tough road so far, Griner still believes in the President. “I realize you are dealing with so much, but please don’t forget about me and the other American Detainees,” wrote Griner. “Please do all you can to bring us home. I voted for the first time in 2020 and I voted for you. I believe in you. I still have so much good to do with my freedom that you can help restore. I miss my wife! I miss my family! I miss my teammates! It kills me to know they are suffering so much right now. I am grateful for whatever you can do at this moment to get me home.”

Asking to not be forgotten and for the other detainees to not be forgotten may be a tall order. However many detainees there may be, they have likely been there longer than Griner – and nothing has been done to get them home yet, either.

Griner’s wife, Cherrelle, believes not enough is being done, and has called for more action. “It’s really, really difficult. This is not a situation where the rhetoric is matching the action,” she said in her lone interview on the eve of Griner’s trial. “I do unfortunately have to push people to make sure that the things they’re telling me is also matching their actions, and so it’s been the hardest thing to balance because I can’t let up. It’s been over 130 days and BG’s still not back.”

It is understandable that she is angry. It is her loved one. You want everything that can possibly be done to get them back, to be done. Government spokespersons are now making statements on the supposed progress of trying to bring Griner home.

“President Biden has been clear about the need to see all U.S. nationals who are held hostage or wrongfully detained abroad released, including Brittney Griner. The U.S. government continues to work aggressively – using every available means – to bring her home,” said National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson.

Biden has faced lots of critiques since he was elected to office two years ago, and halfway through his term he hasn’t impressed many. This would be a redeemer if he can best longtime rival Russia and bring the basketball star home from the clutches of the enemy.

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