The Mattera Report

This upcoming weekend, our nation celebrates the contributions of the labor movement and honors the efforts of all of our hardworking men and women. Labor Day is a day to commemorate the long struggle that our workers have endured and highlight the continuing need to work to ensure that their rights are protected.

Throughout our nation’s past, there have been times when those who work the hardest were treated with the least amount of dignity. As our economy moved to more manufacturing based, labor unions began to grow and, with that, the power of the workers grew.

During this time, the late 1800’s workdays were long and dangerous. Many were required to work 12-hour days without a day off or breaks. Combined with the ongoing abuse of children in the workplace, there was clearly a lack of safe conditions and a very real need for reforms that kept the economy going while protecting the rights of all those in the workforce.

When the unions started to organize and show the businesses that were abusing their workers that they had strength in numbers. They did so by putting together large-scale demonstrations to highlight the need for change. In fact, the first Labor Day parade was a part of one of those protests when 10,000 workers marched from City Hall to Union Square in New York in 1882.

These efforts to protest the poor conditions that so many were forced to endure led to much-needed change in work hours and pay structures. In fact, without the labor movement leading the way, many of the workplace rules we enjoy and are accustomed to today would have either been delayed or have never occurred.

That is why every worker – whether a member of a union or not – should appreciate and celebrate the efforts of those who led the way. Many in the past put their lives in danger – and their paycheck in doubt – to forge the way for today’s workers and we all must remember their sacrifices this weekend.

My path to the New York State Senate was paved as a labor leader and I am proud to stand with the hardworking men and women of labor as they continue their efforts to ensure that every worker has a decent salary, good benefits and a quality pension.

This weekend, we should all remember the efforts of those who started these efforts. Their brave leadership helped create many of the rules we still benefit from and we must continue to make sure our workers are protected. Their voices are critical to protecting the rights of all workers regardless of age or profession. By standing strong, they stood for all workers and that has made a very real difference in the lives of millions.

Now, as we move forward in our rebuilding efforts, we must respect the efforts of labor leaders from the past by ensuring that our workers benefit from the rebuilding and strengthening of our economy. These men and women put in a hard day’s work to support their families and they deserve to benefit from their efforts.

Happy Labor Day to all of those who make our economy grow and keep our region moving

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