Cancer – Purified by Fire, Two New Protocols for Consideration with Guidance

“Cancer Treatment is a War against Glucose and Glutamine”

Today, cancer is all too common and has been for many decades. With all the money spent on lab research and clinical trials, little has been accomplished towards a cure. Treatment centers are usually very busy. While cancers may never be cured, we are starting to see some new effective strategies that not only kill cancer cells but prevent their existence. Much of this success seems to be shifting into the hands of the individual with guidance coming from their team of clinical nutritionists, integrative and functional doctors, health consultants, and oncologists. Cancer is best fought with a team approach; use all tools available for consideration for best results. 

A functional doctor is one that considers all the functional capacities of the body, not just treating the symptoms. An integrative doctor will work with everything available to solve the medical issue.

Cancer is best fought with a team approach. You can find an integrative oncologist near you on the websites:,, or search “functional and integrative doctors near me”.     

It’s estimated that medical “standards of care” only represent about 10% of all the available science and research that’s available for treatment considerations. These standards often center on trying to suppress the symptoms.

Dr. Thomas Seyfried from Boston College has spent over thirty years working on cancer research. The following relies heavily on his work and understanding.

Dr. Seyfried is quoted as saying that “cancer is 80% curable and can be prevented.  He says it’s all about lifestyle changes, daily exercise, and a low carb-high fat diet. It’s preventable.”

Studies show diet can increase one’s risk of cancer by 30% to 50%. We are too sedentary, too busy, living stressful lives with poor diets of highly processed carbohydrate foods. Anything that comes in a package should be eliminated if possible. Look at the unsaturated fats, corn syrups, preservatives, etc. A good diet and exercise will correct and prevent many health issues and diseases. Treating obesity is also a big concern.

Dr. Seyfried believes there would be a 50% drop in cancer deaths in five years if society and the medical field had a better understanding of cancer, its causes, and treatments. In short, he says you must maintain healthy mitochondria. Reducing stress, keto diets, fasting, and exercise will go a long way to that goal. The disruption of cell growth has certain risk factors including old age, radiation exposure, chemical exposure, viral infections, etc.

Seyfried says that cancer cells live on two major fuels: glucose (sugars) and glutamine (Amino acid). Glucose is the only sugar available to the tumor cells. Glutamine is the only amino acid to provide enough energy. Cutting sugars also means cutting excess carbs that convert to sugar. It’s not just the obvious sweet drinks and desserts, he says. Sugars, although not a carcinogen, can also cause inflammation. Ketogenic diets will take care of the high glucose issue but that’s not enough. The cancer cells will then draw all their necessary fuel needs from the glutamine. Glutamine can be lowered by drugs and or reduced by water only fasts.    

Metabolic Therapy – Ketosis and Fasting

Once again, this is great information for consideration. Dr Thomas Seyfried says that metabolic therapy is changing for the better regarding cancer treatments. It’s a diet drug cocktail without harmful effects to other parts of the body. Using your metabolism to fight cancer will lower the cumulative chemo and radiation doses thereby limiting the toxins with their secondary effects.

A ketogenic diet is a high-fat, average-protein, low-carb diet. This forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates, which, in turn, reduces glucose. Dr. Seyfried states that fasting also works well as a metabolic therapy by starving the cancer cells. Simultaneously, it reduces inflammation, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

That’s why keto diets try to eliminate carbs. Carbs turn to sugar which feeds the cancer cells which in turn counters treatments. Remove sugar and you remove cancer’s food source. Add healthy fats with moderate protein until you’re satisfied. That will produce ketones used for the body’s fuel, restoring the brain and muscles.

It’s best for your body to be in what’s referred to as ketosis according to Dr. Seyfried. It’s measured by what’s referred to as the “glucose ketone index” or GKI. Cancer patients should target a score of 2 or below according to Seyfried. The general rule for all others is to be between 0.5 and 3.  

Fasting and keto work well together and with cancer treatments according to Dr. Seyfried. He points out that cancer treatments are toxic and can develop other issues later in life. He also mentions that stress will produce sugars in the body, with the best counter being exercise. Seyfried sees cancer as a metabolic problem as opposed to a genetic one. He said, “diet and supplements are not a cure, but they can get you to outlive the cancer.”

Additionally, Dr. Matthew Phillips also believes in metabolic strategies as a therapy to fight cancer. He believes it’s necessary to fast twelve hours daily including both food and water. Body fat will be available to fuel the brain and muscles. Dr. Phillips stated that ketones are not used by cancer cells to any degree. He says that this is the “A-game,” with  chemo and other treatments, although sometimes necessary, become the “B-game.”

By way of case studies with cancer patients, Dr. Phillips found keto patients did better in treatment than non-keto patients, and those who also fasted did even better.  Phillips recommends a keto diet for two months with a five-day fast in-between. Upon completion, patients claimed an improved quality of life to go along with survival.

Unfortunately, to date there have been no major clinical tests to support the efficacy of these treatments for cancer. These new treatment approaches are largely a grass roots movement being pushed by cancer patients. 

Fenbendazole (Fenben)

One cancer survival story is that of Joe Tippens. Diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, Joe was told he had about three months to live. A veterinarian friend told him about a cancer research experiment he had learned about in which a dog-deworming medicine had cured cancer in the experimental mice, and when the researcher developed cancer, she used the same medicine on herself, and her glioblastoma was gone in about twelve weeks. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Joe ordered the veterinary product, Fenbendazole, and began taking it. He added a few other things to his regimen such as curcumin and Vitamin E, now known as the “Joe Tippens Protocol”. Three and a half months later, he went in for a scan and he was clear of cancer.

Tippens, was found with no evidence of disease. Tippens is now seven years out and still cancer-free and can be found at:   

Fenbendazole is often referred to as Fenben. Simply put, it’s a well-known effective repurposed drug. It’s been around since 1974 and is used in animals as a cheap, common, over the counter dewormer that treats parasites. There is a human version by script and quite expensive in comparison. According to Dr. Tom Rogers, Fenben is designed to kill parasites but is also believed to be an anti-cancer agent showing good results with little to no side effects when taken at 222ml dosage. Tippen quotes a study of a toxicity study showing that long term use of a 500mg dosage is safe.

Rogers says that it’s effective in causing regression in all tumor types and can be used along with standard treatments of chemo and radiation without interference. He said Fenben appears to work as chemo does but without any of the toxicity. Dr. Tom Rogers also mentioned he believed chemo was more effective when working along with the Fenben. Dr. Rogers found a study that found that less than 5% of users had a slight negative effect with stomach discomfort but that study had used a much higher dosage of 1,000mg. Rogers stated that prolonged use of Fenben was fine because the body doesn’t develop intolerance to it. 

How does Fenben fight cancer? According to Dr. Rogers, it blocks the tubulars that allow cancer to enter the cell. It stops cell division and restricts glucose uptake. It interrupts the cancer’s ability to metabolize sugar. He says that cancer cells consume glucose two hundred times faster than ordinary cells. Fenben restricts this refueling thereby decreasing the ability of cancer cells growth. By preventing sugar intake, the cancer cells cannot divide as rapidly. Dr. Rogers states that Fenben reactivates the all-important P53 gene which is the body’s strongest tumor suppresser in the body.

Rogers says that cancer cells don’t develop resistance to Fenben even with long term use. It remains effective unlike chemo and other drugs. Fenben will also work as a cancer prevention drug. For cancer patients, Fenben is to be taken for life. A typical time frame to see some positive results is seen by some between one to four months. Tippens reported over 5,000 positive results on his website between six weeks and eighteen months.      

Fenben Cancer Protocol

Keep in mind your integrated doctor, functional doctor, clinical nutritionist, health consultants, and oncologists are your best allies. Cancer is best fought with a team approach.

“For information purposes only”, find below a typical protocol for fighting cancer that might include some or all the following.

Fenbendazole    222 to 444 MG  possibly 1 to 2x’s daily  (attack cancer cells and non-toxic)      

Milk Thistle         250-500 MG      possibly  1 to 2x’s daily (liver support against chemo /statin drugs effect)

Curcumin            500 MG              possibly  1 to 2x’s daily

Mushroom max  500-1000 MG   possibly  1 to 3x’s daily

Berberine          500 MG   MG possibly   1 to 2x’s daily (slows breakdown of carbs and lowers blood sugar)

CBD drops           30 MG

Vitamin C          250-500  MG        possibly 2x’s daily

 Zinc                     25 MG

Magnesium        25 MG

Joe Tippens Protocol

Fenbendazole 222 mg (1 gm of Panacur™ or Safeguard™) per day every day.

Note if you are using liquid – most liquids are 100 mg/ml. You would take 2.2 ml of the liquid.

Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 1™ – 2-4ml two times a day depending on your weight.

Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 2™ – three capsules two times a day only when you are off chemo.

Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 3™- With each meal – one capsule with a light meal and two capsules with a heavy meal, two capsules two times a day if you are trying to starve your cancer of sugars.

NEW – Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 4™- two Capsules twice a day.

Some doctors recommend following these protocols daily for a month or two and then reevaluate. If effective, you might switch to a three-day-on and four-day-off method. This would be the same for preventive action. Remember, by considering using all tools available to fight cancer will hopefully minimize the strength/dosage of treatments and their duration time, improve quality of life, and extend longevity.  

Once again, unfortunately, to date there have been no clinical tests to support the efficacy of these treatments for cancer. These new treatment approaches are largely a grass roots movement being pushed by cancer patients. 

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