Brendan Sweeney for Suffolk County Legislator

Voters in the Sixth District have an opportunity to make real change in both their community and county government by electing newcomer Republican Brendan Sweeney.

At a young age, Sweeney has earned valuable vast experience on the town, county and state levels of government. With a strong background and education in public policy, Sweeney has the insight needed to address the systemic problems that have plagued Suffolk County finances. Further, his work in tackling quality of life problems in our community by removing blighted houses and correcting egregious code violations in our neighborhoods is the type of hands-on approach we need in a local representative. As Brookhaven’s Citizen Advocate, Sweeney has been a voice for our citizens in Town Hall – and has a hard-earned reputation for getting the job done. Working together with a strong District Attorney like Republican Ray Tierney, Sweeney will ensure that our streets are safe for our children and families, and crime rates will fall.

The Messenger Papers endorse Brendan Sweeney for Legislator in the Sixth District.

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